Friday, January 29, 2010

Twist and Shout

Wouldn't you know it! We have less than 6 weeks to go in Iceland and a new store opens in Reykjavík selling one of our favorite cookies. I don´t like to advertise but we are both hooked on these cookies - better than Oreo Double Stuff!

I am not sure what WalMart is doing selling their products through another store but we also bought a couple of other items we like that are not available in Iceland. They also have many other WalMart and Costco brands. Oh well we will be home soon and then for sure we will miss all the great lamb we enjoy here. The next post will be about maintaining a memory though.

1 comment:

H. Wimmer said...

Lamb I wish we could get good Lamb here with out selling my first and second born :)