December 23 is a big day in Iceland - it is the last day before Christmas, known as Thorláksmessa (“The Mass of St. Thorlákur,” Iceland’s patron saint). The day is celebrated by eating putrefied skate (known as Skata) and buying the last Christmas presents. For more details you can read our 2008 December post.
So the place to be and be seen is downtown Reykjavík. So the missionaries, the YSA's and the Branch President and his wife braved the cold to sing Christmas carols and hand out materials about Christ and His Church. The baby buggy in the pictures was loaded with packages to hand out and all the missionaries had bags full of the packages. The video is at our second stop and the other pictures were taken at our 5th and final spot where we had the most attention. Lots of people stopped to listen and all the materials were given out. The man with the beard in the inside picture was baptized a year ago and is a fantastic member missionary and Young Men´s President. He spearheaded getting the packages together which included the Restoration pamphlet, a picture of Jesus Christ, several scriptures and other items. We also handed out copies of the Liahona which featured Jesus Christ and copies of The Book of Mormon to those who showed an interest. It was a cold night but fun for everyone and afterwards we had hot chocolate and treats.
I do miss caroling but not in the cold.
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