After another week of computer challenges I am back to posting at least for now. First a continuation of our great visit with Gabi from Romania. Wednesday evening after our tour, Gabi made Sarmale which I talk about in the previous post about Gabi. Here are more pictures of the process. Then Thursday evening he made Langos (which is a fried bread with cheese and sunflower seeds - it was fantastic) and Chorba (a soup which is also delicious). Gabi made so much food we called up two families (Greta's and Valla's) and asked if we could bring dinner over and they were happy to have us as they were just getting home from work and had nothing ready. We fed 14 people and still had food left over - Gabi is quite the cook. The pictures are of two of the 8 different sites we visited. Just as we finished the last place of our tour for the day we saw what looked like a vehicle way off the road and two people standing outside the vehicle. I asked Gabi "Do you think they are waving at us?" and he said "I think I can see some hands above their heads." So we drove to where they were on some very bad roads. They had driven through a steam running over the road and somehow had gotten off the road and were stuck in the mud. They asked us to pull them out (we have a very small Skoda). I asked if they had a rope and he said no. I said without how can I pull you out. He then said he saw a rope on the side of the road about 500 meters back. We back up and found the rope. With some jerry-rigging we got the two cars connected and as I had to drive back into the water, I was concerned it was not going to work but I pulled them right out. They were very lucky we even saw them and since it was late in the day and we never saw another vehicle on the road they may have just had to spend the night in their car.
The last two pictures are of a hot springs named Dead Man Springs because one night a man walking through the area fell in and even though he was rescued died the next day from the burns.