Friday, April 13, 2012

To All You Non-Working Moms?

Heidi forwarded this to me today and I just couldn't resist posting it.  This morning Eileen called to tell me about Hillary Rosen's comment to the effect that Ann Romney hasn't a clue about economics since she has never worked a day in her life.  Eileen thought I should blog it.  I think the following does a good job.  It was signed by Beth Myers Senior Advisor.  In case you are wondering, I'm in Oregon visiting my Mom who didn't work while she raised her sons and she knows about all those things Hillary Rosen seems to think stay-at-home Moms couldn't have a clue about.  Just because Mitt Romney is smart and worked hard to provide for his family is no reason to believe we can't sill make it in the great land of America!  Sure he is wealthy but that is what is so great about America - we all have the opportunity!

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