Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fun Time and Not So Fun Poison Ivy

This trip has been a little short as we really haven't helped out around the house as I would like to have done.  The two days to Boston were lots of fun and most interesting and educational.  We have had lots of great conversations with Kristi and Karl and played games with Cordie and Elle.  The newest and exciting activity has been interacting with Kylie.  She is in the process of writing a book.  She let Grandma read it and Grandma was exuberant about it being a great book.  I started reading it and found it intriguing.   I am always amazed how authors can compose books pulling together so many ideas and stories into a book you want to read and Kylie is doing it.  I didn't finish reading all she had written the first day.  When I did finish the rest of the chapters, I was surprised how quickly I was pulled back into the story and how insightful she is into interpersonal relationships.  We then talked with her about the book.  Eileen and I are both looking forward to the finished book and feel it needs to be published.

The only part of the trip I wish I had not taken part in was getting poison ivy.  Kristi was telling me about her experience with it and I was glad I had never had it.  I didn't expect to get it as I wasn't going walking in the woods.  But it appears it is easier to get that one would expect.  The night of the fire for some-mores, I kept feeling bugs were biting me.  The next morning I had several very itchy spots on my legs.  Kristi gave me some anti-itch medication but it didn't help.  Then yesterday I looked at one of the bumps and realized it was not a bug bite.  Kristi said it is poison ivy.  Kristi said it is possible Tracker got it on him and then brushed it off on me while we were sitting around the fire.  Oh well I guess you can't go 67 years without getting it at least once. 

1 comment:

H. Wimmer said...

That is no fun! What is Kylie's book about?